OstroVit Betaine HCl + Pepsin 100 caps


OstroVit Betaine HCl + Pepsin is a dietary supplement with a high content of pepsin and betaine hydrochloride. Ingredients of the supplement have the effect of regulating the level of gastric acids, thus improving the digestive process.

What are betaine and pepsin, and who should be taking them?

Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine, is an amino acid that performs a number of functions in the human body, including participates in the course of numerous physiological processes. Betaine HCl regulates the level of hydrochloric acid, thanks to which it improves the process of protein digestion and supports the synthesis of amino acids. In addition, the use of betaine regulates the absorption of vitamin B12 and also reduces the level of homocysteine. It is also known for the fact that it can increase muscle strength and reduce fatigue.

Pepsin is the active form of pepsinogen - an enzyme secreted by glandular cells in the stomach. Its task is to pre-break down proteins and digest them. Supplementation of this enzyme is recommended in digestive disorders caused by insufficient endogenous secretion of pepsin, appetite disorders, in hypoacidity. Pepsin intake is especially important when the stomach is unable to produce a sufficient amount of the enzyme, as a result of which protein digestion at this stage is disturbed.

Disturbances in the production of stomach acid are a common condition, especially in people who eat unhealthy diets, are exposed to stress or regularly drink alcohol. The combination of betaine and pepsin in our OstroVit Betaine HCl + Pepsin dietary supplement allows for comprehensive support of the stomach and support the digestive process.


15,90 €
Parim enne20. sept 2024
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