How to choose a powerlifting barbell and weight lifting bar?

How to choose a powerlifting barbell and weight lifting bar?
July 6, 2022
How to choose a powerlifting barbell and weight lifting bar?

Powerlifting bar and Weightlifting barbells

Olympic barbells come in many different lengths and their weights vary from 10 kilos to 25 kilos.

All weightlifting and powerlifting bars are suitable for the home gym, but sometimes the space is so
small that you have to choose a plate bar that is shorter than normal.

When choosing a barbell, it is important that it corresponds to the future purpose of use. If you are a
powerlifting enthusiast, you should choose a powerlifting bar that preferably has IPF finger marks at
81 cm. These plate bars are more durable than home gym bars and have a better roughening to
improve the grip. Powerlifting barbell dimensions are same than weightlifting barbell so its thickness
is also 28 cm.
Weightlifters have their own weightlifting bars with better bearings. When lifting weights, i.e.
grabbing and parallel pulling, the bar sleeves should rotate as lightly as possible, so that the plate
weights remain almost motionless on the bar during grabbing and pushing. Weight lifting barbells
dimensions are 20 kg and 200 cm and thickness 28 mm.

Both of these plate bars weigh 20 kilos and are 220 cm long. The roughness varies, but both always
have 50 mm bar sleeves.


Other straight barbells
- Squat bar and Deadlift bar

Squat bars are available separately and they are made to withstand loads of more than 600
kilograms without the squat bar starting to "shake" when going down. Squat bars are 35 mm thick,
i.e. thicker than a normal plate bar and weigh 25 kilos, i.e. five kilos more than standard powerlifting

As deadlift bars in gyms, both the standard IPF powerlifting bar and a separately made deadlift bar
are used in gyms, which are longer and more flexible than the standard powerlifting bar. With these
features, the deadlift bar bends with large weights and the actual release of the plate weights from
the floor starts later than with the powerlifting bar. The advantage is, of course, that in this case the
bar and grip are already at about knee height, and since the joint angles are already large, the result
is a greater load from the floor up. This can be somewhat compared to a short pull from the knees
up from the safety surfaces of the powerlifting cage.

Other straight plate bars
– Lady bar and Technical bar

lady bar

Shorter and lighter straight disc bars are called "lady bars". These shorter-than-usual barbells are
suitable, for example, for the cramped spaces of home gyms and commercial gyms for use by
women and beginners, as well as excellent for example for bicep curls and scott bicep curls. For
weightlifting, very light weightlifting technique bars are available for women and young people. They
usually weigh no more than 10 kilos and they also use standard weightlifting bumper plate weights.


CrossFit barbells


CrossFit plate bars are slightly thinner in thickness than traditional powerlifting bars. The usual
thickness of the bar is 28 mm, and the CrossFit bar is otherwise pretty much equivalent to a

traditional weightlifting bar, because both sports require the same properties of a plate bar, such as
flexibility and the smooth andfree movement of the bar's sleeves.

Shorter than usual 15 kg CrossFit bars are used both at home and in commercial gyms and often at
large CrossFit events. These 201 cm long plate bars are made to withstand grabbing and pushing, as
well as dropping weights from overhead to the ground.

What is common to all the barbells in the article is that the thickness of all barbell sleeves is 50 mm
and the 51.5 mm center hole plate weights commonly used in gyms are suitable for them.






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